Environmental, Social e Governance

For us at DOC, Sustainability is part of our culture and our DNA.
DOC was founded in the late 1990s with the ambition of always conducting its business responsibly and sustainably, in line with its mission to ensure access to quality medicines, thereby eliminating health inequalities.
At DOC, protecting Sustainability is an integral part of the company’s strategy, regardless of regulatory obligations or interventions, but above all, it is an integral part of our behaviors.
In 2021, we decided to take a step forward by formulating an environmental, social, and governance strategy aligned with our industrial plan. We published our first sustainability report, creating value for all our stakeholders.
Every person at DOC experiences Sustainability daily, acting as an ambassador for the community by participating in targeted initiatives.
We have structured ourselves so that Sustainability is consciously and consistently internalized, not only within our company but also among its shareholders and various stakeholders.
In this regard, the Board of Directors appointed the CEO as ESG Manager and approved the establishment of a dedicated ESG Committee composed of the General Counsel and the Human Resources Director.
Our commitment continues and is strengthened considering European regulatory updates, particularly the CSRD – "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive," which sets the requirements for drafting sustainability reports.
In response to this regulation, in 2023, we worked on our first 2024-2026 Sustainability Plan, consolidating our commitment to environmental, social, and governance issues. We conducted our first voluntary double materiality assessment, a key tool for strategic management. The concept of double materiality refers to the analysis and evaluation of how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues affect a company’s financial performance and, at the same time, how the company’s activities impact social and environmental issues.
The results of the analysis provided clear insights for the development of the Sustainability Plan, strengthening relationships with stakeholders and integrating their views and priorities into DOC's corporate strategy.
The Plan's objectives were defined by considering the material topics emerging from the double materiality analysis and assessing the main challenges and opportunities to promptly address the needs of the Community and the Market.
The Plan incorporates and reflects DOC’s Code of Ethics and Values.
The Sustainability Plan is divided into four strategic areas, each characterized by specific objectives aimed at both increasing positive impacts and reducing negative ones:
- Environmental responsibility: reducing pollution and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and responsible use of resources;
- People and communities: improving corporate welfare and well-being, promoting diversity and inclusion issues, as well as activities aimed at supporting local communities and strengthening customer relationships;
- Value chain: greater attention to the sustainability characteristics of the companies along the value chain, to assess their ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance;
- Governance: aligning corporate governance with the coordination and management of ESG issues within the company.
We are confident that the actions outlined in our Sustainability Plan have a measurable impact and contribute to the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).
"We are proud, as DOC, to share our active participation in institutional and association forums aimed at promoting and developing the culture of Sustainability through continuous dialogue, ensuring its conscious and measurable protection"– ESG Committee.