Code of Ethics
DOC is an Italian company proud to be a leader in our country's pharmaceutical industry. DOC was founded in 1996 following Law No. 425/1996 establishing equivalent medicines. Over the years, the company has embarked on a path of growth, covering multiple therapeutic areas - including specialised ones - and proposing diversified Health solutions, thus strengthening its role in making Health an accessible good for everyone.
Discover here our history and the therapeutic areas in which we are present with our products.
For us at DOC, the Code of Ethics represents our DNA and expresses the charter of those moral rights and duties that, as a business organization, we intend to honor and internalize in our daily activities with the aim of acting with integrity and social ethical responsibility.
The Code of Ethics is inspired by the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 as well as by the Egualia Code of Conduct, to which the company adheres and whose values and principles it is committed to respecting and ensuring compliance.
The Code of Ethics is an official company document, approved by the Administrative Body.

Our code of ethics
We want all the people and organizations that work with us and for us to share this charter of ours.
The Code is addressed to
- Shareholders and corporate bodies, as well as any person exercising, even de facto, powers of representation, decision-making and/or control within the company;
- the Personnel of the company, regardless of the type of the relative working relationship;
- consultants and suppliers of goods and services, including professional ones, agents and anyone who carries out activities in the name and on behalf of the company or under its control; as well as anyone who has relations with the company (collectively, the “Third Parties”)
- all companies controlled by DOC Generici S.r.l. and, to that effect, their Shareholders, Corporate Bodies, Personnel and Third Parties.